If you want to file a formal complaint (in accordance with the Finnish Patient law/Potilaslaki 10 §) please follow these instructions:
Customers and their representatives who are unsatisfied with the service can file a notification to the Chief Medical Officer. You can file your notification as an informal letter. The letter must include at least the following information:
- The person whose treatment the notification is about
- The name of the unit that the notification refers to
- The reason for the notification
- A detailed description of the event
- The corrective actions that are suggested to be done
- The contact information and signature of the person filing the notification.
The notification will be handled and responded by the Chief Medical Officer or a person authorized by her in a reasonable timeframe.
Please send the signed notification letter Nightingale Health Oyj / Chief Medical Officer, Mannerheimintie 164a 00300 Helsinki, Finland. If you wish to send the notification letter electronically, please contact support@nightingalehealth.com to receive instructions for secure form of communication.